Who is this service for?For those who have Brno iD full and at the same time they are nearing the end of the lease contract for a grave sit at one of the cemeteries managed by the Cemetery Administration of the City of Brno, p.o. The first condition for the possibility of resolving a renewal contract for the next 10 years is to be the sole tenant (in the case of multiple tenants their joint personal participation or power of attorney is required). First, it is necessary to trace the existence of a contract using the contract data. Your verified personal data will be attached and should match lease contract owner data (for the address, you can enter the original address as it was in the agreement if it differs from your current verified permanent address). If the contract is being traced and is in a state where it can be renewed for another 10 years (this can be done at least 1 year before its expiry date), you will be presented with a form to fill in some of the necessary information and the amount of the lease. You will then be able to approve the proposed rental agreement, add the rental amount to the shopping cart, and proceed to its payment. The final conclusion of the contract will be made after the successful payment of the amount, when you receive an e-mail confirmation of payment and the system of the Cemetery Administration of Brno will receive an email with a concluded lease in the form of PDF.