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Easter gift

We are trying to make Brno the best city under the stars. The city runs project Brno iD – the only account for city’s online servicesthat will make your life in Brno yet a bit easier and more relaxed.

The City of Brno give you an opportunity to get am Easter gift. Everyone who has or get account Brno iD Logo Brno iDfull, has a chance to get a useful gift - we will distribute 9 free yearly public transport tickets!*

* three standard yearly public transport tickets (standard customers category), three reduced yearly transport tickets (10-15 year olds, youth and students category) and three retirees yearly tickets (customers in the category of pensioner, retiree disability ( and persons 65-70 of age) will be distributed. If the customer already has a valid transport ticket, the validity of the new will be set after the end of the current ticket. Its not possible to return tickets from this event. The event is available to people with at least 10 and less than 70 years of age (ie they do not have free fare).


How to do it:
1. By 21. 4. 2025 you can take part in the Easter gift event.
2. You need to have or to register for Brno iD Logo Brno iDfull, i. e. account with verified data.
3. To take part simply click the button bellow

Soon after the offer ends, we will randomly select 9 lucky winners. They will be informed by e-mail and a getting of their free yearly ticket will be resolved with them.