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Tickets for one-time events

Here you can buy tickets for one-time events of the Museum of the City of Brno. Tickets for these events are valid for the duration of the event, but max 6 months from purchase. Always check the current opening hours before using your tickets.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

For more information and to purchase tickets, click on the name of the event.

Arnold's villa:

STŘEDY V MUZEU: Hrdinky minulosti: Ženské spolky v 19. a 20. století 26.3.2025 17:00

33 seats left
Available: until 26. 3. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: STŘEDY V MUZEU: Hrdinky minulosti: Ženské spolky v 19. a 20. století 26.3.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK
  • 1 entry vouchers etc. 0 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Kreativní setkání: Brněnské hrdinky známé a neznámé 27.3.2025 17:00

13 seats left
Available: until 27. 3. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Kreativní setkání: Brněnské hrdinky známé a neznámé 27.3.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Diskuze: Pospolu 3.4.2025 17:45

20 seats left
Available: until 3. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Diskuze: Pospolu 3.4.2025 17:45
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • vstup zdarma 0 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Jóga ve vile: Vinjása jóga 10.4.2025 18:00

12 seats left
Available: until 10. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Jóga ve vile: Vinjása jóga 10.4.2025 18:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 220 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Workshop: Hledání vlastní identity 17.4.2025 17:00

15 seats left
Available: until 17. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Workshop: Hledání vlastní identity 17.4.2025 17:00
Kdo jsem? Jaké části mé identity mě utvářejí? Arteterapeutický workshop Hledání vlastní identity nabízí bezpečný prostor pro objevování sebe sama prostřednictvím výtvarného vyjádření. Je to skvělý způsob, jak prozkoumat a vyjádřit své vnitřní myšlenky a pocity ohledně toho, kým jste a jak se vnímáte. Skrze barvy, tvary a intuitivní tvorbu budeme zkoumat své vnitřní světy, hledat spojení se svou identitou a posilovat sebedůvěru. Nezáleží na vašich uměleckých schopnostech – důležitý je proces, prožitek a možnost zachytit své pocity beze slov. Přijďte si vytvořit vlastní vizuální příběh a najít nové cesty k porozumění sobě samým. Pojďte se na chvíli zastavit a odpočinout si od?každodenních povinností a dejte čas jen sobě.

Pořad se koná ve spolupráci s?TEVA Centrum.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Diskuze: Jak (ne)říct něco hloupého? 24.4.2025 17:00

35 seats left
Available: until 24. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Diskuze: Jak (ne)říct něco hloupého? 24.4.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Koncert: Slavíme spolu 29.4.2025 19:00

48 seats left
Available: until 29. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Koncert: Slavíme spolu 29.4.2025 19:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 400 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Přednáška: Vila Wittal a osudy jejích obyvatel 6.5.2025 17:00

48 seats left
Available: until 6. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Přednáška: Vila Wittal a osudy jejích obyvatel 6.5.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Jóga ve vile: „Nést tíhu světa“ 15.5.2025 17:00

15 seats left
Available: until 15. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Jóga ve vile: „Nést tíhu světa“ 15.5.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 220 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Diskuse: Pamatovat na budoucnost 22.5.2025 17:00

35 seats left
Available: until 22. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Diskuse: Pamatovat na budoucnost 22.5.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Diskuze: Ann Altman: Moravské kořeny a příběh mé rodiny 23.5.2025 17:00

35 seats left
Available: until 23. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Diskuze: Ann Altman: Moravské kořeny a příběh mé rodiny 23.5.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Workshop: Brno české – Brno německé 29.5.2025 17:00

15 seats left
Available: until 29. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Workshop: Brno české – Brno německé 29.5.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Extra offer:

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 28.3.2025 15:30

sold out
Available: until 28. 3. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 28.3.2025 15:30
Description: --
Capacity of the event was reached.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 29.3.2025 14:00

sold out
Available: until 29. 3. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 29.3.2025 14:00
Description: --
Capacity of the event was reached.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 29.3.2025 15:15

sold out
Available: until 29. 3. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 29.3.2025 15:15
Description: --
Capacity of the event was reached.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 10:00

9 seats left
Available: until 12. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 10:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 11:15

12 seats left
Available: until 12. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 11:15
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 14:00

15 seats left
Available: until 12. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 14:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 15:15

13 seats left
Available: until 12. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 12.4.2025 15:15
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 10:00

15 seats left
Available: until 26. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 10:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 11:15

10 seats left
Available: until 26. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 11:15
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 14:00

11 seats left
Available: until 26. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 14:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 15:15

15 seats left
Available: until 26. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Komentovaná prohlídka vily Engelsmann 26.4.2025 15:15
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 150 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Toulky Brnem s Muzeem: Zážitková prohlídka vily Engelsmann s komedií Tucet podob ženy 14.5.2025

71 seats left
Available: until 14. 5. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Toulky Brnem s Muzeem: Zážitková prohlídka vily Engelsmann s komedií Tucet podob ženy 14.5.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 500 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 7.7.-11.7.2025

15 seats left
Available: until 23. 6. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 7.7.-11.7.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 2900 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2465 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Letní výtvarná škola s příběhem: pro děti a teenagery 7.7.-11.7.-2025

19 seats left
Available: until 30. 6. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Letní výtvarná škola s příběhem: pro děti a teenagery 7.7.-11.7.-2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 3500 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2975 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 14.7.-18.7.2025

7 seats left
Available: until 4. 7. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 14.7.-18.7.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 2900 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2465 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Industriální Brno: Letní škola pro teenagery 14.7.-18.7.2025

5 seats left
Available: until 7. 7. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Industriální Brno: Letní škola pro teenagery 14.7.-18.7.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 3500 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2975 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Dotkni se města: Letní škola pro teenagery 21.7.-25.7.2025

7 seats left
Available: until 14. 7. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Dotkni se města: Letní škola pro teenagery 21.7.-25.7.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 3500 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2975 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 4.8.-8.8.2025

3 seats left
Available: until 25. 7. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 4.8.-8.8.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 2900 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2465 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 11.8.-15.8.2025

13 seats left
Available: until 28. 7. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Letní příměstský tábor: Putování s časoplavcem 11.8.-15.8.2025
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 2900 CZK
  • 1 discounted entry 2465 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Špilberk castle:

STŘEDY V MUZEU: Komentovaná prohlídka Nový Svět Bohuslava Fuchse a Rudolfa Sandala – 2.4.2025 17:00

18 seats left
Available: until 2. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: STŘEDY V MUZEU: Komentovaná prohlídka Nový Svět Bohuslava Fuchse a Rudolfa Sandala – 2.4.2025 17:00
Description: --

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 05.04.2025 16:00

25 seats left
Available: until 5. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 05.04.2025 16:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 16:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 05.04.2025 17:00

10 seats left
Available: until 5. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 05.04.2025 17:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 17:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 06.04.2025 16:00

23 seats left
Available: until 6. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 06.04.2025 16:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 16:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 06.04.2025 17:00

17 seats left
Available: until 6. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 06.04.2025 17:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 17:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 19.04.2025 16:00

24 seats left
Available: until 19. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 19.04.2025 16:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 16:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 19.04.2025 17:00

25 seats left
Available: until 19. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 19.04.2025 17:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 17:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 20.04.2025 16:00

22 seats left
Available: until 20. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 20.04.2025 16:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 16:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Vodojemy při svíčkách 20.04.2025 17:00

25 seats left
Available: until 20. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Vodojemy při svíčkách 20.04.2025 17:00
Přijďte zažít netradiční atmosféru kdysi temných sálů plných vody ve zcela jiném světle.

Prohlídka začíná v 17:00 u vstupu do Vodojemů.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 160 CZK
  • 1 entry for children 7-15 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for students 16-26 years 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 65+ 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for ZTP 95 CZK
  • 1 entry for seniors 55+ (Seniorpas) 95 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.

Villa Tugendhat:

Brno Art Week: Workshop: Build a chair! 9.4.2025

10 seats left
Available: until 9. 4. 2025 | Main language: CS | Name: Brno Art Week: Workshop: Build a chair! 9.4.2025
Workshop for children 9–14 years old accompanying the Josef Macek’s Bentwood Furniture exhibition

Josef Macek devoted almost his entire life to the pursuit of a "good chair". Thanks to his position as a designer at TON, he was able to turn his visions and ideas into reality. Come and think with us about what makes a chair a chair and why we cannot imagine the world without it. You'll learn how wood is bent and why it's important to think about technology and functionality as well as appearance when it comes to design.
During the workshop we will construct chairs, which we will then artistically complete to create a unique design that suits the taste of each participant.
Because who has a chair, has a house! And for once you can make Villa Tugendhat your house.

The workshop is realized in cooperation with the Department of Furniture, Design and Housing of Mendel University, under the expert guidance of Ing. Petra Krupičková.

The event is part of the Brno City Museum's Wednesdays at the Museum (Středy v Muzeu) programme and the Brno Art Week festival.

The event starts at 16:00 on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat. Duration will be approximately 90 minutes. The workshop is designed primarily for children aged 9–14.

Choose the number of tickets:

  • 1 basic entry 70 CZK

Summary - you have chosen tickets for the number of people: 0 (You have already in the cart tickets for persons)

By purchasing these tickets you agree to the terms of service.