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Cancellation of registration owner / common empowered person of an real estate (flat, house), with no official permanent resident

In accordance with Section 14a of Act No. 565/1990 Coll., On Local Fees, as amended, in conjunction with the generally binding Decree of the Statutory City of Brno n. 31/2024 on Local fee for the operation of the system for collecting, transporting, sorting, utilizing and disposing of municipal waste, hereby comply with my statutory reporting obligation and notify the tax administrator of the following data:

If you have already fulfilled your reporting obligation and nothing has changed since then, then there is no need to report again (until there is a change).

Owner / Holder

Fill in 9 or 10 numbers only if you have given Birth Number from CZE authorities (its not just number from Health Insurance Company).
Please fill in your full permanent address.
Please fill in your address (if different from permanent address).

Estate 1

Czech Republic, Brno, ...
If address of this estate does not have a street name, fill in the name of the Brno district.
Chosen location

Please fill in street field first.

You need to find and select one specific Brno address location.

Estate type:*
It is either the date of the legal effect of an entry in the Land Registry or the date from which an individual is reported for waste tax in the estate.

These personal data are only intended for the municipal waste tax administrator.